
What payments data say about drop in rural consumption


Pratik Bhakta

192 reads

Pratik Bhakta

192 reads

Financial services startups are seeing a dramatic slowdown in consumption in India’s small cities and towns, which weren’t affected as much last year and had in fact helped the country bounce back faster

June 18, 2021


Digital payments and remittance companies are feeling the pangs of a sharp economic and consumption slowdown in rural and semi urban areas because of the pandemic’s devastating second wave.

Industry experts say that unlike last year, when consumption in small towns was a saving grace propping up overall consumption even as cities were ravaged by Covid-19, this year the situation is worse.

Seema Prem, CEO of FIA Global, a company focused on financial inclusion, said that in April and May consumption in small cities across India had dropped by 20-25% from March levels.

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