Key Takeaways
On February 25, Google India announced to staff that it would be restructuring its government affairs and public policy team, axing some jobs and adding a few in the process. The memo, accessed by the media, also said the company would create a new structure to “elevate” policy team capabilities with the advent of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI).
The news matters less for its tech implications and more for Google India’s ongoing struggle to maintain stability in its policy leadership. In five years, the company has seen seven people helm the India policy team. This includes both permanent and interim appointments.
The restructuring announcement comes just a few weeks after the news of Google India policy head Sreenivasa Reddy’s exit. The CapTable has learnt that Reddy’s contract was terminated, and there will be little left of the policy team he oversaw soon. Google declined to comment on the story, while Sreenivasa Reddy was unreachable on phone and didn’t respond to WhatsApp messages.
Reddy’s short stint as policy head was tumultuous. The CapTable learnt from multiple executives close to the development that more than a dozen complaints were filed against Reddy, mostly by members of his policy team. These pertain to alleged transgressions of various kinds, including behavioural issues.
For instance, two of Reddy’s former colleagues, who requested anonymity, accused him of misrepresenting Google’s position in meetings with government officials. They filed complaints with the company, flagging compliance issues. The crisis within Google's policy team has been brewing for almost a year, leading to an exodus of team members.
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